What currency are the prices?
Our prices are in New Zealand dollars.
If you would like to purchase in another currency you can use the currency converter on each store page or
You can buy in US dollars on our Teachers Pay Teachers store. www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Bex
The only way currently to pay for products is by credit card, AfterPay, PayPal or manual payment.
You can use the normal "Checkout" button to pay via credit card. This uses a New Zealand credit card system.
If you prefer to use PayPal you can use your PayPal account or Paypal credit card. This is often best for buyers outside of New Zealand.
Bex Teaching Resources does not collect or store any credit card information.
How do I receive/download the product I have purchased?
There are two ways to download your product.
At the end of the checkout process, you will notice at the bottom it says "Your Downloads". Your products are listed and you can download them directly.
You will receive an email on completion of your order. The email will have a link to the products for you to download. The link will work for 30 days.
How long does the Download link last?
The download link you receive last 30 days. If you need to re-download after 30 days please contact us by clicking here: www.bexteachingresources.com/re-send-link
Do you have a Subscription option?
Yes we do. You can choose an Individual Subscription or a Team Subscription. Click this link to head to our Subscription Website
You will need to make a new account on the subscription site. You can not use your membership account from this site.
Returns & Refunds
As we are a New Zeland company you are entitled to rights and protected under the Fair Trading Act and the Consumer Guarantees Act.
Privacy Policy
To read our full privacy policy and use of Cookies - Click Here
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