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Product Description

Club Blogger is a set of 12 tasks that can be used to engage students into using your class blog, e-portfolios, or online learning environment. It is a great way to get lots of interesting content onto your page on a regular basis.
In my class, I select four students every week to be our bloggers (Club Blogger). 
Their task is to work independently and collaboratively on as many of the Club Blogger tasks as possible. With younger students you may divide the tasks between them but with older students they could each do all of them.
These students are exempt from “normal” classwork as long as they are producing quality work.
Club Blogger can also be used with the whole class as a way to introduce a variety of ICT skills. It is also a great “fast finishers” activity.

Included Tasks - With instructions and examples.

1) Photo Collage
2) My Hero
3) Cyber Safety 
4) Inspiration story writing
5) Classmate Interview
6) Art Gallery
7) Macro Photo
8) Super Joke
9) Teacher for the day
10) Story Review
11) Personal Poem
12) Youtube learning

Club Blogger

  • Grade/Year Levels

    3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

    File Type

    PDF (Acrobat) Document File

    1 MB|7 pages