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Product Description


This resource has been created to complement the Kākano – Seed – Set 1&2,

Ready to Read Phonics Plus series.

This set covers worksheets for all 21 books.
For each book there are 12 worksheets.
252 Worksheets in all.


Each worksheet has a handwriting section and an activity that focuses on the words and letters the book is highlighting.

There is also a bonus blank template included if you would like to make your own worksheet.

The 12 worksheets provide you with a few options of how to use them:

  • One per day of reading. You can choose the one you think would work best.
  • One that can be done at school and one that can be sent home.
  • One to work through with the teacher and one for an independent activity.


Books included:

Set 1 Nan in a Nest, Pop pop pop, Tane and the Bug, Weka gets Wet, Weka and the Shed, Wet Kai!, Get to the Vet, Zip and Zap, Chit and Chat, Huhu in the Mud, Rat on the Rug, Tap Tap.

Set 2
Pop and Mop, Nat and Pip, Mud, Mud, Mud, In the Bin, Pip and Tom, I am In, To the Top, Bug in the Hut, A Wet Ant.

Kakano - Seed - Set 1 & 2 - Ready to Read Phonics Plus - Reading Responses
