This is a beautiful set of New Zealand Numeracy Learning Intentions posters that will look great on any classroom wall.
They cover both Number Knowledge and Strategy.
Each poster has a learning intention and an example to help students see what it is all about.
These posters are great printed A5, A4 or A3
They can also be shrunk down to fit in books as a reminder or next learning steps.
Buy the Bundle Stage 0-8 - Click Here
Learning Intentions Included are
Number Knowledge
- Read any number up to 100
- Count forwards from any number up to 100
- Say the number after and before a number 1- 100
- Order numbers to 100
- Count forwards & backwards in 2’s, 5’s, & 10’s to 100
- Know number of 10’s in decades
- Know groupings within 20
- Know multiples of 10 that add to 100
- Know doubles and halves to 20
- Know addition facts to 10
- Read unit fractions
Adding and Subtracting
- Counting on or back from the largest number
Multiplication and Division
- Skip counting
STAGE 4 Maths Learning Intentions Posters (New Zealand)
Grade Levels
3rd, 4th, 5th, Homeschool
File Type
Compressed Zip File/PDF
3 MB|14 pages