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Time Traveling Journalism - Investigating Your NZ Local History

Best For New Zealand Schools

Student Scenario

You have been employed by your local newspaper to investigate, research and write about the history of your school and local community.

You will use the National Library’s PapersPast website to dig deep into the amazing history and stories of your school and community. Use your research skills to look for people, events and places of significance.


Running the project

This project includes 8 tasks that will encourage your students to dig deeper and use better research skills. Tasks include; rewriting articles as narratives, making a mini newspaper, creating satirical cartoons, writing formal articles, drawing advertisements and more.

There are weeks of fun and learning involved with this project.

Use the paper or Google Slides templates provided.

It includes an assessment matric for teachers or students to use.


You can run this project in several ways.

1.Work through each task as a whole class.

2.Do the first task together then let students self-pace

3.Set up as independent literacy centres or rotations.

4.Group work. Each child, in a group of 4, has to do one writing based and one visual language based activity.

Time Traveling Journalism - Investigating Your NZ Local History

  • Year Levels

    4th - 10th, Homeschool


    • Zip
    • Internet Activities


    19 pages