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Product Description

This is a pack of 40 homework sheets split into 4, 10 week booklets. 
One booklet per term/semester. A whole years homework sheets sorted in one awesome pack.

Best for years 5-6, but can be used for year 4, 7 and 8

We have created a TAB free version to make printing easier.


Each Booklet has:

•Times tables Grid

•Basic Facts Wheel

•Spelling Word list area (Blank)

•Spelling activities

•Reading Log

•Literacy Challenge


Print, cut out, staple and send home. These can also be glues into a homework book if you need more space.

Homework Booklets Yr 5 - 6 (40 Weeks)

  • Year Levels

     5, 6


    File Type

    Compressed Zip File


    7 MB|40 pages