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Product Description

This is a set of STAGE 4 Gloss style strategy write on test sheets designed to help New Zealand teachers quickly assess where their students are in relation to the New Zealand Numeracy strategy levels. Easy to administer and mark.

Students answer the tests in written form. There are answer sheets included that give several different strategies that could be used to answer the question at this stage.

This resource can also be used as teaching worksheets or posters on the wall.

Great for Pre and Post testing.


This pack has three tests (including answer sheets) for each strategy areas;





-Ratios and Proportions.

(NOTE: Stage 4 Gloss test uses materials as part of its testing. This resources tries its best to replicate this in a written form.)


Additional Levels

Stage 4 Pack

Stage 5 Pack

Stage 6 Pack

Stage 7 Pack

Stage 8 Pack

Strategy Tests Pack - Stage 4 - Gloss Style Questions - New Zealand

  • Grade Levels

    3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th,


    File Type

    PDF (Acrobat) Document File


    4 MB|18 pages